For more information see the readme.txt or manual included in the download, or take a look at our online manuals.                                                                                                        D Supporting portable license            How Can I Purchase a License RELEASE NOTES
NameDescription VersionDate.NETDownloads        Pricing         
AutoTelnetTelnet client able to auto answer  2012-12-04  v2.0 00669DownloadFree
Blink(1)Alarm and Warning Indication on a Blink(1)  2023-03-14  v4.8 00417DownloadFree
ChannelLimitsOverview of your PRTG sensor channel limitsD  2021-01-28  v4.7 01328DownloadInfo
CPServerContinuously pings a (list of) host(s)  2024-12-22  v4.7.1 00850DownloadInfo
CSVExportHistorical sensor data from your PRTG server  2021-07-31  v4.7 08665DownloadFree
CSVImportBuild graphs from CSVExport output files or directly from your PRTG server  2017-03-20  v4.0 01086DownloadInfo
DistributeSensorsDistribute custom sensors to your probes  2015-04-27  v4.0 00542DownloadFree
DongleManagerPlace your PTF licenses on a USB Dongle  2018-06-03  v4.6 00072DownloadFree
LicensesManage your PTF Licenses  2014-08-07  v4.0 00225DownloadFree
ListQueuesList MSMQ's, Printqueues, Tasks and Eventlogs on a given machine  2014-07-30  v2.0 00486DownloadFree
NotifierGadgetNetwork Monitor Notifier Gadget  2019-03-17  v4.5 00939DownloadInfo
PassHash ToolGenerates the PassHash from a given password  2014-07-30  v4.0 07445DownloadFree
PRObjectPauses or resumes an object  2018-08-29  v4.5 01083DownloadFree
SensorRenameRename your PRTG Sensors  2018-12-18  v4.5 00564DownloadInfo
SyslogListenerListen for syslog events and forward them in various ways  2013-11-05  v4.0 00788DownloadFree
TickerScrolling ticker with alarms and warnings  2019-01-27  v4.5 00885DownloadInfo
TrafficLightAlarm and Warning Indication on a Cleware Traffic Light  2022-07-16  v4.7 01503DownloadFree
TrayNotifierNetwork Monitor TrayNotifierD  2021-11-10  v4.7 01607DownloadInfo
USBRelaisControls a Cleware USB relais  2020-02-24  v4.6.1 00047DownloadFree
USBSwitchControls a Cleware USB switch  2020-02-24  v4.6.1 00049DownloadFree
Addons for your PRTG Network Monitor Server

PRTG Tools Family

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PRTG Tools Family
Addons for your PRTG Network Monitor
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