
PTF CSVExport by default gets yesterdays data for the given sensors.
Adding PTF CSVExport to your Windows task scheduler can give you multiple export files
(one for every sensor that you supply) in the folder of your choice every day.
Adding PTF CSVExport as a custom sensor to your PRTG Server can do the same thing.

Also take a look a the CSVImport tool that lets you build graphs from .csv files generated by CSVExport.

You can find an extended parameter list in the readme.pdf that is included in the download


 -pu= PRTG username. 
 -pp= PRTG password or passhash *. 
 -ps= PRTG server ip or domainname and optional portnumber. 
 -s= Comma seperated list of sensors id's. 
 -to= Optional connection timeout to your PRTG server in seconds (default = 10 sec). 
 -av= Optional average interval in seconds. use 0 to download raw data (= results of all single monitoring requests) 
 -sd= Optional startdate of export in yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss format. If omitted the previous day is assumed. 
  Entering a numeric value like -sd=60 will subtract the number of minutes from the current datetime. 
 -ed= Optional enddate of export in yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss format. If omitted the previous day is assumed. 
  Entering a numeric value like -ed=60 will subtract the number of minutes from the current datetime. 
 -fc= Optional a comma seperated list of column names to be used as export filter. (e.g. "datetime,value") 
 -ac= Optional list of columns and values to add to the result. (e.g. "Probe,New York|Device,WinXP") 
 -wu= Optional Windows domain\username. If omitted the current credentials are used. 
 -wp= Optional Windows password or passhash *. 
 -f= Optional folder. If omitted the working folder is used. 
 -e= Optional export format CSV or XML. If omitted CSV is used. 
 -t= Optional time to execute. If used as a PRTG sensor it will only execute once a day after the secified time. e.g. 02:00 
 -co Optional combine output of all given sensors into one file. 
 -nh Optional ommit the column headers with a .csv file. 
 -ns Optional ommit the summary line with a .csv file. This is automatically included with the -co option. 
 -id Optional include sensorID in export. This is automatically included with the -co option. 
 -spm Optional the maximum amount of sensor to process per minute, to prevent PRTG's overload protection (default = 5). 
 -coe Optional parameter to Continue On Error when processing multiple sensors 

Version history 31-07-2021 03-06-2018 16-11-2017 26-05-2016 25-11-2014 16-10-2013 28/04/2013 24/03/2013 22/07/2012 04/05/2011 19/04/2011 04/04/2011 22/09/2010